Mark Beaird | Sharing God's Message of Hope and Healing
Mark Beaird | Sharing God's Message of Hope and Healing
Mark Beaird | Sharing God's Message of Hope and Healing

The Holiday Season is Here - Be Prepared for the Stress!

The holiday season doesn't mean we have to be prepared to be stressed, but we do need to be prepared for the stress. Of course stress is a part of life and a part of the holiday season for everyone, however many in the ministry know their stress is often complicated by church or ministry commitments that go beyond the regular church services. There are parties and plays, request for benevolence expenditures and budget concerns—not to mention the need to make one's own family a priority while others often want you to make them and their family or group a priority. It can easily get to be too much! To help you cope with all the demands, allow me to offer a few suggestions:

Overall, just working to maintain a realistic and healthy perspective will help you and me get the most out of the holiday season and maybe, as we minister to others, we might just find the time and opportunity to be ministered to ourselves.